
Friday, 30 September 2011

Important updates

Many exciting things have been happening over the last few weeks, we have had a day dedicated to fundraise for the Macmillan Cancer Support charity where many of my work colleagues baked some lovely cakes and offered coffee and tea in order to raise some money for the cancer research group.


During that same week it was also Freshers week where many different things were on offer such as different fun activities, joining sports and musical groups, even part time jobs that are on offer at the university! The fun is not yet over; the Freshers Ball 2011 is taking place on the 4th October next week Tuesday at the extravagant o2! In the previous years the ball has been pretty amazing, so I can’t imagine this year to be any different! It’s a great chance to meet new people and sometimes it turns out these will be the friends you have for life!

On a different note it has been mentioned that Clearing 2011 has come to a close, we have a few selective part time courses available, in order to find out which gives us a call on 020 8331 9000 or alternatively you can drop us an email at For the full time courses the next intake is September 2012. Unfortunately we do not offer any other intake other than September, however for Nursing and Midwifery courses we have two intakes, the next intake is in May 2012, and in order for you to apply you must submit an application now via Additionally, we are recruiting for the postgraduate programmes that will be running in January 2012, again if you are interested in a particular Masters programme; please give us a call so we can inform you what is available. If you have already contacted us and know that your programme is available then it you must apply via our website using the online application at

An update in my life, well I have almost secured a placement at a primary school but it’s all early days yet, hopefully it will work out well :) I am also starting a Numeracy course at Level 3, so when it comes to apply for my PGCE, they can see that it is an equivalent to an A level in Mathematics :-D I don’t actually have to do this course, but it will hopefully enhance my application. Besides...

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Too much too fast...

Wow, it has been a while since I last blogged... I have been keeping myself busy with the university clearing, which by the way we still have, some vacancies on particular courses. Aside from being wrapped up in work, I have been working on my CV. That time has come where the job hunting officially begins; need some voluntary work in a primary school sector which will allow me to apply for my PGCE. I have also been working on my personal statement that needs to be attached to the GTTR application for the PGCE. In addition to this, I need to find a part time job that will pay for the necessities, so also on a hunt for that too! There is so much to do in such little time.

The move from Greenwich campus to Avery Hill has taken place last week, the phones are going crazy, I think it’s making me go crazy, between the 10-11 of us, we are taking 1200 calls per day! I’d say they are pretty good stats. This week I am manning the reception desk at Greenwich with two other colleagues, it’s a lot more relaxing and makes a nice change to be able to have a chat with applicants face to face as oppose to over the phones. I like it here. J

It feels like time is flying, summers gone by in the blink of an eye.  Soon I will be graduating in October, I’ve sent off the guest tickets confirmation recently, now need to hire out my graduation gown/robe and sort out the pictures! Eeek! It is slightly daunting, especially because for now this is the end of being a student and being in fulltime education since the age of hmm four? Although I will resume my studies again next academic year, I’ve never taken a ‘gap’ year so to speak therefore, it feels a little bizarre. Anyways like I was saying, time is flying by and next thing you know it’s getting dark at 4pm and people are Christmas shopping and lighting their trees! And BANG it’s 2012! The year that the world supposedly comes to an end... (According to the Mayan Calendar).

Now my blog isn’t a complete blog without having a movie review! This time it’s the ‘Inbetweeners’ movie. I actually set out to watch ‘Rise of the Planet Apes’ however they buggered up the timing on their website, which meant I was over an hour early. I had to settle for the Inbetweeners, it’s really not that great. It’s still at number one in the top ten movie listings. Shocking. It’s somewhat amusing but not ridiculously hilarious; I would rate it around 5-6/10. I would like to watch ‘Friends with Benefits’ that seems like an easy movie to watch after a hard day at work. J

On a random note, I was reading an article about a gathering of people at an event who have ginger hair, and how throughout their lives they have encountered remarks and bullying over the colour of their hair. I’d like to add if there are any redheads reading this blog, I love ginger hair! It’s so vibrant and unique!
Bye for now!

Sonia x

Friday, 12 August 2011

Spread of Riots on Birthday

Last year I was bedridden with a cold on my birthday, now for my 21st this year I was gifted a riots day *hmph* how terrible! Good thing is my birthday celebrations started on Saturday with my best friend Sue, we took the Thames cruise from o2 North Greenwich, into central London, jumping on and off as we got the student river roamer, we relaxed at Trafalgar square, and then moved on to Westminster sightseeing (seeing things we have seen before) but that doesn’t make a difference when I am chilling with her, it’s ALWAYS a laugh, and she’s completely well and truly totally on my wavelength!  J It was a nice day, although the weather had a sudden change of outburst and turned really cold, cold enough to wear a coat especially when you’re on a cruiser. However, where I live the weather was bright and sunny, so it was nice to be back to the warmth!
On Sunday, I went out to the movies, watched Captain America... Hmm it’s really not that great. I’m not fan of Harry Potter either, never watched a single movie however with the Potter fan base spread across the world; I’m really shocked C.A beat potter in the first week. I then went on to have an Indian meal at ‘Taste of India’ was a good dining experience, lovely food, friendly and helpful waiters/waitresses, you can’t go wrong. Now, because I overly stuffed myself for late lunch it was hard to eat dinner, and dinner was taking place at the good ol’ Pizza Hut with the family and few selected cousins. There was so much laughter that I think some of my coke may have come out of my nose! (Just kidding)
Moving on to the big day, Monday morning and I was at work. The day itself didn’t drag too much and had a good laugh with my friendly colleagues which really helped moved the time faster, then came the news that the riots are spreading all over London, and unfortunately it was spreading to my area. I finished work at the usual time, and made my way home and Sue gave me a text to notify me that I should hurry up and get home because one of the area’s local to me is being hit bad, I informed the others and we all set off home. As I walked through the main road, most of the shops were closed including places like Superdrug and Iceland, they had their shutters down, and this is the same main road that is buzzing until 10-11pm! It was only 6:15 and everything was rather spooky, however there were still tons of people on the road roaming about. Most of the jewellery stores were closed too. I got home to find out most of my family are at home except my sister in law, so we tried ringing her mobile and work number but couldn’t get through to her.  I spent that evening trying to get in touch with her, finally got through to her and they were all completely oblivious to what was happening outside! Eventually, found a route to get her home but then we had already eaten our take away and the only thing left was to cut the cake.
I must share the cake ‘blunder’ story. We always tend to buy fresh cream vanilla sponge cake but this time both of my sister in laws without consulting each other went and placed an order for a chocolate sponge cake. It was amusing to hear the answer when I asked ‘Who has got me some cake and what kind?’ happy family times. I also made a lot of money, well I say made but GIFTED a lot of money, I also got a new phone - blackberry torch and I am yet to be gifted my personalised number plate so I’m well and truly chuffed and quite blessed I’d say J
I want to try out the ‘Thames Rib Experience’ it’s a speed boat adventure obviously taking place on the Thames, it goes quite fast and it seems like a fun experience, good reviews too! I must add that on to my list of things to do.
Overall, it has been an entertaining week to say the least. It has gone quite fast and I’m extremely glad that it’s Friday!
Write to you soon!
Sonia x

Monday, 25 July 2011

A Mixture...

Clearing has officially started on the 1st of July, we have had a few technical hiccups but the phones are now definitely up and running, it is starting to get busier and some courses have come to a close but many are still available and to find out which ones, visit our website or give us a call on 020 8331 9000!

The final decision was made last week and we have moved to the good ol’ greenwich campus, just the way it was meant to be, a lovely traditional clearing! I woke up today morning feeling ecstatic because I was fully aware that we are based at Greenwich campus today which meant the journey will be a lot shorter, woohoo!
I must add, in reference to one of my previous blogs, in hope of not catching a cold, I mean I wasn’t due to catch one until October! However, I managed to catch one in July! The weather change is really messing with my system, sometimes it is cold and rainy, other days it is quite warm and sunny, and the worse thing about this cold is, just right towards the end of it, I’ve gone deaf in my right ear and can only hear just enough through my left ear! Due to the cold, my ears have popped and the right ear is really bad, I have tried the ear drops and they improve for a while but then it reverts back again, now this is an ongoing problem for the past 4-5 days. I think I need to pay a visit to the doctors and perhaps they might diagnose me with an ear infection or a sinus infection which has lead to the ear blockage. Oh sad times.
Other than my depressing story about ear popping, I have just been relaxing and have early nights, haven’t really been out much. Actually, that is indeed a fib... I went to watch Bridesmaid, twice! Once in Wales and another time with family, it is absolutely hilarious. Also had dinner at Las Iguana’s lovely food, and many more dinner dates with friends and family coming up.
I am très excited about going to watch the musical ‘Wicked’ for my birthday, I’ll be going this Thursday evening after work with my sister in laws, I have been waiting to watch this musical for a very long time, and the excitement is building up because I have been talking about with colleagues and friends for over a week. I am also in the midst of reading the book, which is apparently a lot different to the musical and perhaps better. (Books generally tend to be different and better than films/musicals). I say I am in the middle of reading the book, I’m not really I actually haven’t even started I really should!

Wednesday, 6 July 2011


I would like to talk about my mini getaway to the lovely city Cardiff otherwise known as ‘Caerdydd’. I went away for about 3 days, got up to all sorts!

My journey began from London Victoria coach station to Cardiff central, the coach journey itself went pretty quickly surprisingly, the coach driver was rather uhm… what’s the word I am looking for? Hmm, let us say ALERT! For those of us who know the road rules, coach drivers must not drive in the middle lane or the third lane also known as the ‘fast’ lane, ohh but my coach driver did! He was flashing his headlights at the cars ahead, and tailgating *shock horror* he even did this during the torrential rain, and that too on the Severn Bridge (Bridge connecting England and Wales! Nevertheless, I arrived at my destination in one piece and ahead of time :) To my surprise on the journey back I had the same driver, so I fully knew I would arrive back to London ahead of time!

During my stay in Cardiff, my and my cousins visited Barry Island, which is a beach for sun sea sand and fun, it concludes of an amusement park, an arcade, and of course the beach, and possibly the yummiest fat chips I have tasted!

We even travelled out to Wiltshire to experience Longleat safari and adventure park, this contained all sorts of amusements, looking at beautiful animals such as Meerkats, Sea lions, Hippopotamus, Elephants and Monkeys to name a few! I also had the chance to go in to a Bat cave; the experience was rather surreal to say the least . The cave was a home to Egyptian fruit bats, and they move around in the dark by producing clicking noises using their tongues, and as they approach an object or humans the clicking rapidly picks up speed and this bizarre method enables them to avoid hurtling onto objects. As interesting as it was, I didn’t wish to stay there for too long, I found my self wanting to leave in case their method failed and one or more came straight at me!

One of the other fun parts of this visit to the safari and adventure park was a hedge maze, which was made in 1975. It is an outdoor maze spread over 1.50 acres of land! It can take anything between 20-90 minutes to complete, depending on how quick one is. (obviously). As a group, we managed it within 30 minutes, which I think was a pretty good time.

Moving away from adventure experiences, I also had some winding down time and went to watch a movie ‘Bridesmaid’ it is rather amusing, definitely one to watch, easy to follow and more than gentle comedy thrown at you, I would rate it about 8/10! In between this and that, I went out to eat at Pizza Hut; Wagmama’s and did some shopping in Cardiff central. Overall, it was an enjoyable trip, who knew the Welsh have so much to offer. :)

I shall update you very soon!
Sonia x

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Happy Days :-D

Too much has been happening, but in a good way! Since having completed my course and handed everything in I have been working for the enquiry unit, it has been a rather busy period recently, preparing for the university clearing, and appointing people to work which involves testing them and interviewing candidates, everyone in the office is working incredibly hard! Phones have been busy, which is an always a good thing, makes the day go that much faster and gives me a feel of what clearing will be like this year.

Up until recently clearing has always taken place at the main campus, also known as the Maritime campus. The office was based in a lab on the fourth floor which resembled a loft, a tad bit spooky from the stories I have heard! This year we have had a shake up, we will all be working at the Avery Hill campus in a spacious lab on the ground floor. I am actually quite familiar with this particular lab because I have spent good 3 years there, so for me working there will be rather nice and familiar, excluding the commute that I will have to make every day and the early wake ups.

I would just like to remind readers that the enquiry unit number has changed, it is now 0208 331 9000, if you have any questions about a particular course, fee’s and finance, clearing or anything else then please give us a call, we will be happy to assist you.

After waiting patiently for my results, it is good news. I have passed with a 2.1 yayyyy! This means I have a higher chance of studying a postgraduate certificate in teaching or a graduate teaching programme, which will officially allow me to be a primary school teacher. Exciting times indeed!!  I will be taking a year out to gain some relevant work experience and then back to university for me.  I look forward to my graduation ceremony, which will be taking place in October.

Since I have finished university, all I have been doing is getting fatter (shamefully) I have eaten out many times to celebrate birthdays, finishing university etc in the company of friends. Although my scales may say otherwise, it has been a good few weeks, dining out and eating yummy food! Now to celebrate my results, my mother cutely suggested we have a take away (nothing out of the ordinary) as sweet as my mother is, she hardly expresses these kind of emotions hence this little suggestion made it that extra special. My sister in law bought me a chocolate fudge cake with scoops of white vanilla ice cream, and my other sister in law suggested we go out for some fruit cocktails! (Fruit cocktails because I don’t drink alcohol) I am looking forward to the crazy shenanigans! 

In addition to this, I am trying to convince my father to insure me on his BMW heehee! The insurance will cost a BOMB! He insists he buys me a new car instead, because I can get cheaper insurance and a brand new car for the cost of the BMW insurance under my name. I am not too fussed which car I am insured on, but the BMW would sure be nice! However, when I did a search on an insurance quote, out of 120 NOBODY would like to insure me due to my age and the engine size, great! I will settle for a Peugeot, or perhaps a Smart car J

One shall write to you very soon, ciao for now xxx

Monday, 16 May 2011

It is all OVER/FINISHED (for now…)

 I have finally finished studying my degree, no more late nights no more courseworks, no more assignments, AND no more dissertation! WoOo HooooOoo! Admittedly, it does feel weird; I mean every time somebody asks me ‘what are you doing tomorrow?’ I almost reply with ‘do my coursework duh…’ ha-ha except this is no longer the case! I have all this time to relax, enjoy the erm British weather, have a good time, and go on a shopping spree! What else can one do? Ahh yes, look for a job in my studied field! However, for now I am happy with working at the enquiry unit, answering calls, advising people on different new courses available etc!

So, last week was quite hectic because I had 3 major things due all in on Tuesday! Had a dissertation due, an assignment project, which was pretty much like a dissertation and an essay. Out of these three, I have only many to do one of them well… I think. Dissertation, hmmm not very happy with it and my days the project is going to receive terrible marks. I know people mean well when they say ‘nooo I’m sure you’ll be fine, and you’ll get good marks!’ Except, when you have completed the assignments and they are that difficult and mind boggling, you just have this urge to say ‘I did the work, so I would know that they will get awful marks!’ Now I have to sit tight and just wait. Patience I believe is a skill. I think I will know of the marks in 3-4 weeks time, but I can actually wait for them. The later they come out, the better I say. Just that stomach churning feeling, I am not eager to feel that any time soon. This is why I refuse to even think about it anymore, and I will speak no more of it (I hope). I must add though, that these three years have gone by ever so quickly!

Let us move on to talking about movies! As I mentioned in my previous blog, I was going to watch Fast Five, and can I please just express the following in regards to the eye candy presented in this movie…

Mm MmM MmMmMmMmMmM…!

The actors are just absolutely gorgeous, and the storyline is great too, still involves cars but not too much about racing, as they have done it before it would get a tad bit boring, however this is an amazing film. After the ending credits, they always show a preview of the next sequel and I cannot WAIT for fast and furious six to come out! It is a long wait, as it will not be releasing until next year  However, once more I must be patient. Anywhoo I must rate this movie a simple 10/10. If it is still in the cinema next week, I will be sure to watch it again or buy the DVD.

I recently went to watch insidious, simply because I was bored and my friends decided we would go out to eat and then watch a movie. It was the wrong movie to watch. I mean why would you insist on watching a horror movie, if you get scared easily and hide behind your hands for 90mins? My arms were clutched ever so tightly by my friends that they had red marks on them!! Not a pretty sight. The movie itself was surprisingly entertaining to watch, more entertaining than the movie was the audience, everyone kept gasping, and throwing their arms in the air when something spooky happens suddenly, I mean throwing your arms in the air… a bit much I think. The ending of the movie was predictable to me, and I am pretty sure we should be expecting a sequel of this too. A different kind of movie, the shots change abruptly, I will give it an 8/10.

I need to make plans of going to South Wales (WALEEES) ha-ha! Spend some time with my cousins, and make separate day trip with friends, go on a shopping spree in Cardiff Central and then relax on the beach (Barry Island) and perhaps feed some sheep’s. I hope when visiting my cousins, I can perhaps just drive down as oppose to taking the train or coach as it takes ages! Lumbering the luggage around is not cool or efficient! Especially if I am to stay for a minimum of four days, I rather just drive down and save the hassle.

This week, I will be at work Tuesday and Thursday, and then meet the old girlie work friends on Wednesday evening, which should be pretty good! Eat & Laugh; a great yet a lethal combo! *Grins sheepishly!* Hopefully a spot of shopping on Friday at Blue Water shopping centre.

Then next week, if the weather permits it, I will be relaxing in a lovely park and go for a birthday dinner! Again, meet some old friends!

I shall keep you updated.

As the ghetto kids say ‘nuff luv :)


Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Work, Chillin, Stress, Movies...

I am happy to announce that I do not have a cold for a change how exciting, and hopefully it stays that way *touch wood* because I have a lot to do right now, I cannot afford to lie in bed and be on a recovery mode nuh uh!

I have managed to get an essay out of the way, however it needs fixing and it would have been done and dusted by now had my tutor not got the meeting dates mixed up, which now means I will be two weeks behind on editing, great(!) Thus, I am stressed! I am currently working on my dissertation; it is coming along well, trying to wrap it up now. I just hope my supervisor is happy with it, I don’t wish to make big changes, because after this I have a 5000 word essay due which is worth 100% which is rather insane especially because, if for whatever reason I don’t do well in it then I won’t even have a degree :-O Right now it’s a stressful time, and in two weeks time it’ll all be over, I cannot wait! I need to get myself down to the beach, hopefully a nice holiday somewhere in Europe? Lots and lots of shopping and picnics in the park, given that the weather still stays warm and lovely.

I am going to watch FAST FIVE tonight! I’m really excited to see Paul Walker on the big screen again, action, cars, fit guys, hot weather & a slush puppy in hand; it doesn’t get any better than that :) The reviews for the movie are really good, so I’m hoping it won’t be a letdown. I attempted to watch it on Friday with my sister in law, but we ended up getting lost because the damn Blackwall Tunnel was closed, we ended up near Island Gardens, then Mile End and eventually on London Bridge :-\ there were no diversion signs either, we somehow couldn’t figure out how to cross the damn river. So close yet so far. Turned out to be a pretty nice evening though, cruising in a Jag, windows down and playing the latest hot songs!

Monday, 11 April 2011

Long time no see!

Wow it has been a while hasn’t it? I have been up to so much that reflecting back on it seems to be a huge BLUR! Let me begin with that nasty cough that attacked me the last time I put up a blog, well I thought that was the last of it but noooo, my body had different plans! I recovered from the cough within four days or so, but then on a Thursday sunny morning, at work I came under attack! It was extremely warm in the office, but I had to search for the heater because I was absolutely freezing, even though I was hovering above the heater I was still a tad bit shivery. Then during lunch time I couldn’t even eat, and what’s worse is that I couldn’t even watch Iplayer like I routinely do, I had to turn that off and nap for twenty minutes, my head and neck were burning up which is why I thought it’s the fever. I was told by my colleague that I should go home, but I’ve never left work half way, it’d feel weird and wrong? Haha don’t know why. I stuck it out and then in the afternoon I began to feel insanely HOT, at that point I still refused to believe that I might actually be very ill. Well to cut this long story short, I was ill for six days in total, still have a bit of a cough. I am hoping this is the last cold I have this academic year, I assume I’ll be receiving a new batch of germs in October :(

Let me move on to sports news, CRICKET :-D I became a little cricket crazy! It was the world cup this year, and my country India won! :) It was extremely exciting to watch, especially the last two matches, it is believed that over one billion people tuned in to watch the India vs. Pakistan game, and a good game it was! In the finals, we were up against Sri Lanka, which turned out to be a FAB game, after 28 years of winning the last cup the victory was ours once more. Lovely atmosphere across London, people celebrating eating and drinking. At the moment the Cricket IPL is taking place, sadly I don’t have the time to watch much television anymore, so I’m not keeping up with this.

So what else? My uni work is going ok, was a little behind schedule to the cold/flu(whatever it was!) I am back on track now, trying to keep on top of it. I have a lot to do still and not much time left, right now it’s very much early wake up’s and late night’s, miss my sleep! I am currently surviving on Coke, Sprite and Boost; maybe I should have pro-plus too! 16,500 words to do within 28 days, now that is a challenge.

Well I must crack on with some dissertation work, blog back in two weeks time, cheerio x

Monday, 7 March 2011

Sandpaper throat

*Coughs hysterically* I don’t even have a cold, but this cough seems to have appeared out of nowhere! Having symptoms of a cold or flu is bad, but the worse one for me is a hacking cough! It sticks with me for a good two-three weeks, it’s extremely annoying, very dry and tickly and nothing I try seems to sooth it. The more I cough, more my head hurts and my ribs, because everything is constantly pulling. My Internet was down earlier on, which mean I could only do limited amount of work at home. I thought about going into uni to use the computer lab or the computers in the library, but I don’t want to disturb others, and let’s face it, it’s embarrassing too! Especially, on the public transport and someone like me tries to cough in a polite way, if I can’t I hold it in then come the tears rolling down my cheeks because I’m holding something in that needs to be let out. Oh the joys! Like I said, I decided to stay at home and in hope that I’ll recover for the next two days, as I have uni on Wednesday and work on Thursday. I don’t want to be sputtering on the telephone. I have also got a supervision meeting for my dissertation on Wednesday, which I think I may have to reschedule which sucks, especially when I have the work done. Sad times are upon me, sad times. :(

This blogging every other week thing is difficult, I have difficulty in remembering what I did over the past two weeks. Let me begin with the things that come to mind instantly, in hope that I my memory will recollect other ‘things.’

Sooo, driving is going well :) everything relates back to uni work, but I will have to say it anyway. Because I have a lot of work to do, I am unable to revise for my theory, which is holding me back in doing my practical, grrr! I have decided I will revise for my theory ASAP now, because my instructor thinks I am ready for my practical. Normally, due to the high demand in order to get a practical test, booking it could take me up until June/July but thanks to my instructors, dodgy ways he has declared that if I do my theory this month, he could give me a practical test by the end of this month. A little bit scary that it is all happening, but might as well give it ago. On this driving note, I would like to say Congratulations to my lovely loony nutcase of a friend Raz for passing her practical driving test!

There have been many birthday celebrations taking place recently, been eating out a lot, which is, not good! Especially, when there is cake day in day out, desserts here and there. I have another two birthday celebrations to look forward to, but it will be difficult to celebrate as it falls around the end of March, which is when the workload shall be increasing.

University work is going well, trying to keep on top of things. I handed in a 3000 word assignment in last week; hopefully I will get a decent mark. I had better do because it is worth 80%, I cannot afford to get 60s and below! Still have many assignments to complete as well as presentations etc. I am being optimistic and trusting that the hard work will pay off in the end. One of the irritating things about my course is, unlike other courses my assignments, coursework’s, and essays have to have ‘scholarly’ writing. Now that is hard to do consistently! Although, I do try my best. I enjoy writing this blog because I do not have to write ‘academically’ and I am able to make minor errors in my writing, it is a nice break!

I shall report to you in two weeks time, toodles for now.


Monday, 21 February 2011

My captivating life…

My life is really not interesting at all at the moment, so nothing like the title suggests… sorry. I am overloaded with work, and I keep thinking about my future plans (if I can even call it a plan). At the moment I am working on my assignment that is due next week, consists of 3000 words about bulling and comparing and contrasting journals along with the hard bit… synthesising, hate it! It’s oh so HARD!
Moving on to something a little a bit more upbeat, in order to honour and show our support for the National Heart Month, the office members have been participating by electing a Heartthrob and/or choosing a Heart song competition. The fundraising will go towards the nation’s heart charity: British Heart Foundation, who is celebrating their 50th Birthday, so Happy 50th to them! Another addition to the fun and to support BHF as an office everyone will be wearing red to work this coming Friday, just like many people across the nation will wear red to schools and work. Although, I won’t be at work this Friday I will definitely be wearing something red, and I hope many others will join me to mark this occasion and show your support. :)

I am going to ignore my uni work plans for this week ( I mean I will do my work, just not state what work I’ll do and when) But my ‘fun’ plans for this week are too go out on Friday for my Sister in laws 30th birthday, woo hoo! Birthdays galore all over on this blog! Also for further celebrations, I will be going out to eat in a fancy smanshy (no it’s not a real word) restaurant on Sunday. I plan to eat lots of cake, it’s an important part of my plan, must not forget that!

Anyhow ciao for now, I shall write to you in two weeks time again xxx

Monday, 7 February 2011

Late nights & hard work pays off in the end...

I am extremely happy, WHY I hear you ask? Simply because hard work pays off. The assignment that I handed in for my course in January, well I got the results back on that and managed to get a 66. I think it is great taking into consideration that it was really difficult and I had a hard time even understanding the question; which was poorly constructed. The tutor, who marked it, is a strict marker she does not give out easy marks which is why I am even more ecstatic hehe! It was looked over by a fellow academic, and he has agreed with the mark. Hopefully it should not change. Apparently from the class there are only four people who have achieved grades in the ‘60s’ rest are in the ‘50s’ range, which is a tad bit worrying considering this, is our final year.  The second essay of this same module is a similar question and again I really need to do a lot of reading to aim for a 70 and above.

On another work note, my dissertation is going well so far. I’ve completed my project proposal; the literature that I will be including has been given a good look over, now I need to complete 2000 words of my dissertation to show to my supervisor, as well as another assignment that includes 3000 words, and a presentation. I am really excited about my dissertation because I am looking at a topic that I will enjoy researching into. The topic is along the lines of ‘Bullying amongst staff in Higher Education’ and what really excites me about this, is I have found some data concluded from a survey about universities that will be very helpful and interesting.

I would also like to mention that Open day on Saturday 5th February went really well. It was a fairly quiet open day at the Avery Hill campus in comparison to the previous ones; however it was an enjoyable one. I am normally on campus tours, during which we provide information of the buildings potential students will be studying in, and other exciting facilities that we have on our campus, such as ‘The Dome’ which consists of a gym, a mini restaurant, a lounging area, and fair number of computers. We also show the library facilities, which include more computers, and also the official computer lab which consists of 101 computers and large printers in colour and black and white which tend to be extra beneficial for education and architecture students. Due to a smaller attendance this time, the campus tours were really lovely; it was nice to interact with a smaller group on a personal level about their courses, and giving out advice and information.

The next open day will be on the 26th March 2011, from 10am-3pm, if you are interested in attending then please look on our website to book a place also it is necessary for you to have a look which campus you will need to attend according to your choice of course. If you are unsure then please give us a ring on 020 8331 9000 and we will be able to advice you accordingly.

Monday, 24 January 2011

Days of the week

I am absolutely shattered from this hectic week! I am constantly on the go it feels like; my 8-hour sleep no longer feels like 8 hours… hmm however, that might be due to the fact that I am actually not getting 8 hours of snooze time!

Beginning with Monday, I went into uni to do some reading and note taking, I decided as I do the reading, I will write notes in such a way that I can easily just slap that into my essay thus, allowing my essay to be complete well before hand. In May, I have two major coursework’s and an assignment to hand in all due on the same day. With my degree being all coursework based, I think they are taking it too far and giving hell of a lot of work out, it’s unbelievable. I mean the first this is a dissertation of 7000 words and another coursework which is of the same level, and but at 5000 words… ridiculous! Both require major focus, and of course just to add a ‘cherry’ on top I have an assignment due (one I am note taking for) that is for 2500 words on some weirdo called ‘Foucault’ and his ideas on Education.

Then it leads to Tuesday, I was at work and the day went well so all great there. Wednesday, of course back at uni attending lectures and seminars. I did go to see my supervisor and discussed my area of topic, and ideas etc. She is very excited (at this point, a lot more excited about it than I am). However, it seems like the research that I wish to embark upon might be a hard to get an ethics approval for it. I decided I may just do a literature based dissertation instead, as there is a lot of it and I am not wasting time waiting for the ethics committee to get back to me which could possibly take a MONTH!

Thursday, I was note taking once again however, I got a little bit of rest in the evening, as it was my eldest nephews birthday, which was nice. Ate some cake and some lovely food then came home and did some work until the early hours of morning. Need I say that the same applied to Friday and Saturday? Work, work and some more work. Sunday, I woke up early to set up my nephews party with his little kiddie friends. Stayed from 10-3pm then I had to set off home to squeeze in some more reading ha-ha!

Now, I am preparing my self for today – Monday, let the uni work commence! :(



Tuesday, 11 January 2011

The cold & On the go!

Hello everyone! I hope you had a lovely break and a Happy New Year! Primarily, I would like to apologise to my readers for the blog that I had to let pass last week. As you may all know there is a bug going around, and pretty much everyone I know is ill with the flu or a cold, hmm perhaps swine flu too! I was struck with a cold for about 5-6days, which meant I was falling behind in pretty much everything!

Anyhow, my break was great! Simply relaxing at first then it got demanding! First had the house Christmas party which went well, then in between that and New Years Eve I had tons of work to do, so I was occupied with that. In the end, I decided not to do anything for New Years Eve, I was just too damn tired from all the coursework, and to be frank I really was not in a party mood, I Just wanted to unwind, put my feet up and take it easy. I did exactly that for two days. From last week, I was supposed to start my coursework again but obviously, that did not happen, due to the cold. I still have the sniffles however, I am now recovering. I did have a small panic attack at one point because I was out of day/night nurse tablets as well as my night nurse liquid medicine. Off I went out to Tesco’s, all the medicines of there’s were out of stock *huffs* so I had to go to Superdrugs. Got what I needed, and was advised by the pharmacist in Superdrugs to not take both the liquid and the tablets, for some reason I ended up grinning, actually I know what the reason is – I have taken both, but not a high dosage and hey I’m still alive. Although, I do not do that anymore, I do not want to end up in ER like ‘Real boy’ did (Former work colleague). I was also asked whether I had a chesty or a dry cough, well my response to that was… “thank you for your concern, but just because I have a husky voice at the moment and sound like a man does not suggest that I have any form of cough.” He laughed and gave me my bag. I just want to mention that I really like the ‘jingle’ to the advert of ‘Night nurse’ quite catchy if I may say so!

I am back at the enquiry unit this Thursday, so really looking forward to talking to customers again! I am sure others have mentioned on their blogs, but a quick gentle reminder that it is business as usual with us. We are open once again from Monday to Fridays from 9-5:30pm. If you have any inquiry’s about courses that you may be interested in or UCAS/GTTR deadlines, then give us a ding on 0800 005 066.

Right, I must get back to my work now… after all it is due in tomorrow! *Ahh*

Ciao xxx