Hi Kids! This is Sonia Hirji, the ONE and ONLY! Woo woo! Well where to begin ey? I am 19 years of age (although I don’t act like I am 19) I am studying at the University of Greenwich (obviously) and the course is called ‘BA HONS EDUCATION STUDIES’ I am currently in my second year, transitioning to my third because I have found out that I have passed! (Big up to me!).
I come across as a bit of a dosser, but I’m not really because I get my work done on time even if it is last minute. I don’t know what it feels like to give in a piece of coursework/assignment in late. Plus, I’m always at work on time... in fact I’m always at least 20-30 minutes early. My friends who know me really well and even people that I have just met think I come across quite funny; I don’t disagree.
I’m quite sarcastic too hehe! Hmm what else? People in general initially assume that I am spoilt, just because they find out my Dad is paying for my university fees. Erm yeah, that’s really not the case. I’m not spoilt; my daddy just loves me more than yours does! Pssht! I joined the Enquiry Unit team in 2009. Thanks to Jess I got my first job!
I enjoy the common things an average girl would be interested in, such as shoes, clothes and handbag, and not forgetting makeup. But I’m also very unique because I also enjoy watching and playing a particular sport. FOOTBALL!!! (Can we not talk about England getting bumped by Germany?!) Oo I also LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE cars! Especially classic cars. My dream car is a Jaguar XJ with a V8 engine and some nice chunkers set of wheels! Vroom Vroom! I prefer to refer to it as ‘THE JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG’ for anybody who watches Top Gear. Jeremy Clarkson knows what I am talking about ;-)
I think it’s time I wrap this baby up, but before I do... please don’t talk to me about Twilight (is that how it is spelt?) I hate it, so no I will not go to the cinema with you to watch this poop and no I don’t want to borrow your copy of the book! (It’s barely a book?!) I enjoy reading classics, such as Charles Dickens, Jane Austen and Elizabeth Gaskell. Something I can learn from. Good old literature from the 18th and 19th Century! MUST....STOP....TYPING...
BTW I’m a vegetarian! No I don’t eat Fish, and eggs. People think that’s part of the Veg diet. IT’S NOT! But I lurveeeeeeee cheese! Who lurvesssss cheeseeee? Sonia lurvesssss cheeeseee, oh I do I do I do I doooooooooooooooooooo-ooooooooooooooooo ;-)
Toodles! x