I am absolutely shattered from this hectic week! I am constantly on the go it feels like; my 8-hour sleep no longer feels like 8 hours… hmm however, that might be due to the fact that I am actually not getting 8 hours of snooze time!
Beginning with Monday, I went into uni to do some reading and note taking, I decided as I do the reading, I will write notes in such a way that I can easily just slap that into my essay thus, allowing my essay to be complete well before hand. In May, I have two major coursework’s and an assignment to hand in all due on the same day. With my degree being all coursework based, I think they are taking it too far and giving hell of a lot of work out, it’s unbelievable. I mean the first this is a dissertation of 7000 words and another coursework which is of the same level, and but at 5000 words… ridiculous! Both require major focus, and of course just to add a ‘cherry’ on top I have an assignment due (one I am note taking for) that is for 2500 words on some weirdo called ‘Foucault’ and his ideas on Education.
Then it leads to Tuesday, I was at work and the day went well so all great there. Wednesday, of course back at uni attending lectures and seminars. I did go to see my supervisor and discussed my area of topic, and ideas etc. She is very excited (at this point, a lot more excited about it than I am). However, it seems like the research that I wish to embark upon might be a hard to get an ethics approval for it. I decided I may just do a literature based dissertation instead, as there is a lot of it and I am not wasting time waiting for the ethics committee to get back to me which could possibly take a MONTH!
Thursday, I was note taking once again however, I got a little bit of rest in the evening, as it was my eldest nephews birthday, which was nice. Ate some cake and some lovely food then came home and did some work until the early hours of morning. Need I say that the same applied to Friday and Saturday? Work, work and some more work. Sunday, I woke up early to set up my nephews party with his little kiddie friends. Stayed from 10-3pm then I had to set off home to squeeze in some more reading ha-ha!
Now, I am preparing my self for today – Monday, let the uni work commence! :(