I am extremely happy, WHY I hear you ask? Simply because hard work pays off. The assignment that I handed in for my course in January, well I got the results back on that and managed to get a 66. I think it is great taking into consideration that it was really difficult and I had a hard time even understanding the question; which was poorly constructed. The tutor, who marked it, is a strict marker she does not give out easy marks which is why I am even more ecstatic hehe! It was looked over by a fellow academic, and he has agreed with the mark. Hopefully it should not change. Apparently from the class there are only four people who have achieved grades in the ‘60s’ rest are in the ‘50s’ range, which is a tad bit worrying considering this, is our final year. The second essay of this same module is a similar question and again I really need to do a lot of reading to aim for a 70 and above.
On another work note, my dissertation is going well so far. I’ve completed my project proposal; the literature that I will be including has been given a good look over, now I need to complete 2000 words of my dissertation to show to my supervisor, as well as another assignment that includes 3000 words, and a presentation. I am really excited about my dissertation because I am looking at a topic that I will enjoy researching into. The topic is along the lines of ‘Bullying amongst staff in Higher Education’ and what really excites me about this, is I have found some data concluded from a survey about universities that will be very helpful and interesting.
I would also like to mention that Open day on Saturday 5th February went really well. It was a fairly quiet open day at the Avery Hill campus in comparison to the previous ones; however it was an enjoyable one. I am normally on campus tours, during which we provide information of the buildings potential students will be studying in, and other exciting facilities that we have on our campus, such as ‘The Dome’ which consists of a gym, a mini restaurant, a lounging area, and fair number of computers. We also show the library facilities, which include more computers, and also the official computer lab which consists of 101 computers and large printers in colour and black and white which tend to be extra beneficial for education and architecture students. Due to a smaller attendance this time, the campus tours were really lovely; it was nice to interact with a smaller group on a personal level about their courses, and giving out advice and information.
The next open day will be on the 26th March 2011, from 10am-3pm, if you are interested in attending then please look on our website to book a place
http://www2.gre.ac.uk/study/opendays also it is necessary for you to have a look which campus you will need to attend according to your choice of course. If you are unsure then please give us a ring on 020 8331 9000 and we will be able to advice you accordingly.