
Monday, 7 March 2011

Sandpaper throat

*Coughs hysterically* I don’t even have a cold, but this cough seems to have appeared out of nowhere! Having symptoms of a cold or flu is bad, but the worse one for me is a hacking cough! It sticks with me for a good two-three weeks, it’s extremely annoying, very dry and tickly and nothing I try seems to sooth it. The more I cough, more my head hurts and my ribs, because everything is constantly pulling. My Internet was down earlier on, which mean I could only do limited amount of work at home. I thought about going into uni to use the computer lab or the computers in the library, but I don’t want to disturb others, and let’s face it, it’s embarrassing too! Especially, on the public transport and someone like me tries to cough in a polite way, if I can’t I hold it in then come the tears rolling down my cheeks because I’m holding something in that needs to be let out. Oh the joys! Like I said, I decided to stay at home and in hope that I’ll recover for the next two days, as I have uni on Wednesday and work on Thursday. I don’t want to be sputtering on the telephone. I have also got a supervision meeting for my dissertation on Wednesday, which I think I may have to reschedule which sucks, especially when I have the work done. Sad times are upon me, sad times. :(

This blogging every other week thing is difficult, I have difficulty in remembering what I did over the past two weeks. Let me begin with the things that come to mind instantly, in hope that I my memory will recollect other ‘things.’

Sooo, driving is going well :) everything relates back to uni work, but I will have to say it anyway. Because I have a lot of work to do, I am unable to revise for my theory, which is holding me back in doing my practical, grrr! I have decided I will revise for my theory ASAP now, because my instructor thinks I am ready for my practical. Normally, due to the high demand in order to get a practical test, booking it could take me up until June/July but thanks to my instructors, dodgy ways he has declared that if I do my theory this month, he could give me a practical test by the end of this month. A little bit scary that it is all happening, but might as well give it ago. On this driving note, I would like to say Congratulations to my lovely loony nutcase of a friend Raz for passing her practical driving test!

There have been many birthday celebrations taking place recently, been eating out a lot, which is, not good! Especially, when there is cake day in day out, desserts here and there. I have another two birthday celebrations to look forward to, but it will be difficult to celebrate as it falls around the end of March, which is when the workload shall be increasing.

University work is going well, trying to keep on top of things. I handed in a 3000 word assignment in last week; hopefully I will get a decent mark. I had better do because it is worth 80%, I cannot afford to get 60s and below! Still have many assignments to complete as well as presentations etc. I am being optimistic and trusting that the hard work will pay off in the end. One of the irritating things about my course is, unlike other courses my assignments, coursework’s, and essays have to have ‘scholarly’ writing. Now that is hard to do consistently! Although, I do try my best. I enjoy writing this blog because I do not have to write ‘academically’ and I am able to make minor errors in my writing, it is a nice break!

I shall report to you in two weeks time, toodles for now.
