The final decision was made last week and we have moved to the good ol’ greenwich campus, just the way it was meant to be, a lovely traditional clearing! I woke up today morning feeling ecstatic because I was fully aware that we are based at Greenwich campus today which meant the journey will be a lot shorter, woohoo!
I must add, in reference to one of my previous blogs, in hope of not catching a cold, I mean I wasn’t due to catch one until October! However, I managed to catch one in July! The weather change is really messing with my system, sometimes it is cold and rainy, other days it is quite warm and sunny, and the worse thing about this cold is, just right towards the end of it, I’ve gone deaf in my right ear and can only hear just enough through my left ear! Due to the cold, my ears have popped and the right ear is really bad, I have tried the ear drops and they improve for a while but then it reverts back again, now this is an ongoing problem for the past 4-5 days. I think I need to pay a visit to the doctors and perhaps they might diagnose me with an ear infection or a sinus infection which has lead to the ear blockage. Oh sad times.
Other than my depressing story about ear popping, I have just been relaxing and have early nights, haven’t really been out much. Actually, that is indeed a fib... I went to watch Bridesmaid, twice! Once in Wales and another time with family, it is absolutely hilarious. Also had dinner at Las Iguana’s lovely food, and many more dinner dates with friends and family coming up.
I am très excited about going to watch the musical ‘Wicked’ for my birthday, I’ll be going this Thursday evening after work with my sister in laws, I have been waiting to watch this musical for a very long time, and the excitement is building up because I have been talking about with colleagues and friends for over a week. I am also in the midst of reading the book, which is apparently a lot different to the musical and perhaps better. (Books generally tend to be different and better than films/musicals). I say I am in the middle of reading the book, I’m not really I actually haven’t even started I really should!