
Friday, 30 September 2011

Important updates

Many exciting things have been happening over the last few weeks, we have had a day dedicated to fundraise for the Macmillan Cancer Support charity where many of my work colleagues baked some lovely cakes and offered coffee and tea in order to raise some money for the cancer research group.


During that same week it was also Freshers week where many different things were on offer such as different fun activities, joining sports and musical groups, even part time jobs that are on offer at the university! The fun is not yet over; the Freshers Ball 2011 is taking place on the 4th October next week Tuesday at the extravagant o2! In the previous years the ball has been pretty amazing, so I can’t imagine this year to be any different! It’s a great chance to meet new people and sometimes it turns out these will be the friends you have for life!

On a different note it has been mentioned that Clearing 2011 has come to a close, we have a few selective part time courses available, in order to find out which gives us a call on 020 8331 9000 or alternatively you can drop us an email at For the full time courses the next intake is September 2012. Unfortunately we do not offer any other intake other than September, however for Nursing and Midwifery courses we have two intakes, the next intake is in May 2012, and in order for you to apply you must submit an application now via Additionally, we are recruiting for the postgraduate programmes that will be running in January 2012, again if you are interested in a particular Masters programme; please give us a call so we can inform you what is available. If you have already contacted us and know that your programme is available then it you must apply via our website using the online application at

An update in my life, well I have almost secured a placement at a primary school but it’s all early days yet, hopefully it will work out well :) I am also starting a Numeracy course at Level 3, so when it comes to apply for my PGCE, they can see that it is an equivalent to an A level in Mathematics :-D I don’t actually have to do this course, but it will hopefully enhance my application. Besides...

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Too much too fast...

Wow, it has been a while since I last blogged... I have been keeping myself busy with the university clearing, which by the way we still have, some vacancies on particular courses. Aside from being wrapped up in work, I have been working on my CV. That time has come where the job hunting officially begins; need some voluntary work in a primary school sector which will allow me to apply for my PGCE. I have also been working on my personal statement that needs to be attached to the GTTR application for the PGCE. In addition to this, I need to find a part time job that will pay for the necessities, so also on a hunt for that too! There is so much to do in such little time.

The move from Greenwich campus to Avery Hill has taken place last week, the phones are going crazy, I think it’s making me go crazy, between the 10-11 of us, we are taking 1200 calls per day! I’d say they are pretty good stats. This week I am manning the reception desk at Greenwich with two other colleagues, it’s a lot more relaxing and makes a nice change to be able to have a chat with applicants face to face as oppose to over the phones. I like it here. J

It feels like time is flying, summers gone by in the blink of an eye.  Soon I will be graduating in October, I’ve sent off the guest tickets confirmation recently, now need to hire out my graduation gown/robe and sort out the pictures! Eeek! It is slightly daunting, especially because for now this is the end of being a student and being in fulltime education since the age of hmm four? Although I will resume my studies again next academic year, I’ve never taken a ‘gap’ year so to speak therefore, it feels a little bizarre. Anyways like I was saying, time is flying by and next thing you know it’s getting dark at 4pm and people are Christmas shopping and lighting their trees! And BANG it’s 2012! The year that the world supposedly comes to an end... (According to the Mayan Calendar).

Now my blog isn’t a complete blog without having a movie review! This time it’s the ‘Inbetweeners’ movie. I actually set out to watch ‘Rise of the Planet Apes’ however they buggered up the timing on their website, which meant I was over an hour early. I had to settle for the Inbetweeners, it’s really not that great. It’s still at number one in the top ten movie listings. Shocking. It’s somewhat amusing but not ridiculously hilarious; I would rate it around 5-6/10. I would like to watch ‘Friends with Benefits’ that seems like an easy movie to watch after a hard day at work. J

On a random note, I was reading an article about a gathering of people at an event who have ginger hair, and how throughout their lives they have encountered remarks and bullying over the colour of their hair. I’d like to add if there are any redheads reading this blog, I love ginger hair! It’s so vibrant and unique!
Bye for now!

Sonia x