
Friday, 27 August 2010

Busy Head's Weekly Journey

Hi everyone! Let me give you an update of this week's news bulletin:-D Saturday was Open day. I arrived quite early so went and got myself a large cookie from a petrol station nearby, I was overly stuff by the time I had finished but I’m glad I ate it because little did I know we were going to be really short staffed and I’d be doing four tours across Southwood and Mansion site! It was a killer! Although both sites are considered to be under one campus, which is our Avery Hill campus, there is an enormous park between the two sites, and having to go there and back four times, I was completely shattered by the end of it :( Strangely enough the Open day was not AS busy as it normally is, but still busy enough to keep me on my feet all day. I was there from 8-4 and time was eventually beginning to fly. Around about 2pm, I was counting the minutes.

I felt like I didn’t really have a weekend as on Sunday I had a packed schedule. I had relatives coming over at around 11am (grr) spent some time with them. At 12pm I had my first driving lesson ever! It was amazing! Me driving? Woooo! I drove for 35mins! I thought it was just going to be for 10 and that too around the block but nooo, we covered 3 different areas in that space of time. My next lesson is tonight; hopefully this runs just as smoothly. My instructor gave me some feedback and for a newbie who has not ever driven a car I caught on pretty quickly and that I was ‘fantastic’. Hehe I thought he was just feeding me lies because I’m new but he genuinely meant it! Great stuff! When I got back home from my driving everyone was asking me how it went etc... my sister in law made a comment to my dearest dad suggesting that soon his car will not be home very much as I’ll be taking it out all the time and this comment triggered my dad to tell the truth that I will not be insured on his BMW sports :( He said he would rather buy me a new car for myself that is less expensive because if I do cause an accident it’ll be cheaper and so would the insurance be too. Great (!) Anyhow, back to my original story, I sat down to eat with some hot noodles enjoying an average movie on tele starring Jennifer Aniston, and the doorbell rings. Arghhh another set of cousins (who btw did not inform us they were coming!) I had to sit in the dining room to finish off my lunch, that too on my own.

Work has been extremely busy especially on Monday and Tuesday. Lots of calls, just the way I like it. I am looking forward to this three day weekend, I will probably just eat, sleep watch tele! Oh and SHOP! Must do that this weekend! Need a new pair of boots! My comfy ones' sole came off and I had to double side tape it on Wednesday. It survived the heavy rain on the way home! And off they went in the bin :) on the bright side... NEW SHOES:-D. I have said too much, write to you people next week xxx

Monday, 23 August 2010

Results Results Results!

Ohhh Thursday 19th August – A level day. It was extremely hectic on the phones but I loved every moment of it. Time flew by and before I knew it, it was time to go home and rest. I didn’t receive any impolite callers hence I enjoyed the day that little bit extra. Most calls were in regards to applying as oppose to being released, which is always a good sign. Our team (Team Richers) made more offers than declines; as a result we were all in a happy cheerful mood. In total we bagged about 6851 calls in total on Thursday ALONE, and last year it was 5012, therefore, this means we almost took almost 2000 more calls than last year! However, I was rather disappointed at the media at a point, because another university (mentioning no names) only received 1500 and they were proud of that? Seriously? No.

Moving on, Friday was rather busy too, in fact just as busy but time went a lot slower, which meant I didn’t enjoy it as much. Besides, I was thinking about Open day which was taking place on Saturday; truth be told most of us had this on mind and weren’t looking forward to it as it had been a long week, two very long hard working days in particular and a 8am start on a Saturday does not add up well, not for me at least but we must soldier on!

By the way potential Greenwich students, we still have many vacancies on various courses, so keep those calls coming, keep me busy and I would absolutely love to make offers to you brainy people over the telephone :-D Remember 0800 005 006, that is the clearing hotline number, easy to remember!
Write to you lovely next week xxx

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Birthday ‘Shenanigans!

My birthday was on the weekend! Sunday 8th August 2010. It was absolutely rubbish! My throat started feeling funny on Friday afternoon during work. I had plans for Saturday; hence I was determined to stick to them. I went out with mates on that day to watch a movie; Toy Story 3! I also went for a pre-birthday meal at Nandos, mm nice warm food, great for you when you have a cold/flu. Was a really nice time, enjoyed snooping through my gifts :-D. Anyways, moving on to my actual day… well what can I say? RUBBISH! I was really ill, stayed in bed most of the day sleeping or watching television in the living room. I was alone for most of the day; however, in the evening I indulged in some yummy food and delicious cake and opened some more presents! Overall, it has to be the worst birthday ever. Hope next year’s better, A LOT better as it’ll be me 21st!

It’s the weekend tomorrow (thank god) been waiting for it, because I feel poorly and I don’t want to be at work and I’m coughing hysterically and going through heaps of tissues. I need rest and the weekend will help me do just that.

Work is picking up now, getting more busy dealing with enquires, especially during the afternoons. Next week will be extremely busy especially Monday as most of the staff will be in training for the newbies. Again on the 19th of August it’ll be particularly busy, due to the results day. My ear will definitely be hurting L

I haven’t been to the London Dungeons yet but if and when I do I’ll post some pictures up and tell you all about it! (No I do not work for them *_*)

Toodles xx

Friday, 6 August 2010

Fishes & Dungeons + Philosophy!

Hi guys! How are we all today? Had a good weekend? I did! I went to the London Aquarium! I haven’t been since I was a child, and it was really nice to do something different. Some say that ‘back in the days’ it had a lot more to offer as in a variety of species etc, I don’t really remember hence I cannot comment. Either way, lovely day out. I shall put pictures up too! I really recommend it to all, have a visit; do something different! It is located on the South Bank of the River Thames in central London, in close proximity to the London Eye. The facts remain that it opened in March 1997 and it still continues to be the capital's largest collection of aquatic species in Europe.
I think my next attraction visit will be London Dungeon; it puts on display about numerous tortures from the Medieval Age. It recreates various gory and chilling historical events in a grimly comedic 'gallows humour' style, which attempts to make them appealing to audiences of all ages. It uses a combination of live actors, special effects and rides to construct a realistic experience. It also explains the history of the famous ‘Great fire of London’ and the notorious killer ‘Jack the Ripper.’ (Are you working for them, Sonia? ;) - Ed.)

This week at work has been relatively busy, more so than the previous weeks. There have been some problems with the Greenwich online application submitting process. If you are one of these applicants who are experiencing problems please give us a call to check if your application has been successfully submitted on ‘0800 005 006.’ As we are receiving 6-7 applications per person! The problem has been resolved now, as far as I know therefore; no problems should be arising any longer.

I was discussing my final year of degree with a close mate the other day, we were working out exactly what band our grades need to fall into in order to gain even a second class honors, but obviously we shall aim for a first! It will be extremely hard but I am determined to do a postgraduate certificate in education after, although it requires a ‘good honors’ degree, which means a 2.2 or above. As the competition is fierce I am hoping to get a 2.1 or above, this way I am at an advantage:-D

I was also discussing Philosophy with a work colleague of mine; it brought back memories from college studying this killer humanities subject at A level. Nevertheless, I still thoroughly enjoyed studying it and it was even more wonderful reflecting back on ‘Aristotle, Plato and Descartes’
Wait for my update next week!

In the meantime have a little think about the famous; Cogito Ergo Sum: ‘I think therefore I am’ by RenĂ© Descartes.
Ciao xx

Monday, 2 August 2010


My fellow blogger Ruks has stated that whatever I might compose on this blog of mine is untruthful! Well hello pot calling kettle BLACK. (lol!) It is vital to note that I do not always harass Rukon; it’s just a bit of ‘office banter.’ He’s awfully slow but generally a lovely guy! Besides Ruki I didn’t initiate the banter; Summi did! Although I did exaggerate about Rukon crying, I also said it was essential for Summi to buy him a ‘Tuna Melt Sandwich’ from Greggs, I was being nice!
Rukon's Favourite!

Anyhow moving on from the Eastenders Star... I’ll be starting my driving soon! Yay me! I’m just deciding between two driving school companies, in regards to who I might go for. I am well and truly excited to embark on this experience/journey :-D I dread to think that I might be an awful driver though, hopefully I am not *fingers crossed*

I’ve had one eventful day of the week; I went to Madame Tussauds on Tuesday. (I have pictures, I shall upload soon!) It was a great laugh; got to ‘greet’ and ‘meet’ many celebrities from all over the world and take pictures with them hehe! I went with some relatives of mine and my sister in law and my two baby gorgeous nephews. Had a pretty relaxed week, albeit slightly boring one. I only had work two days of the week. On the Thursday I was unable to attend because I was sick violently. (mm nice) Generally the week went pretty slow. Intense working from now on five days a week! The busy schedule is picking up slightly with the phone enquiries. 16th August is when the new arrivals shall come along and join us; I will have to learn so many new names again. I am going to miss the graduates who will be leaving in October- made some nice friends here in the enquiry unit. I will try to put some pictures up of my team members, and convince some of the managers that I work under:-D Then you blog readers will know what most of us look like and how we work, and our beautiful office. Time tends to fly during the clearing period, love it! Right now some of you might be wondering, ‘clearing? What on earth is that exactly?’ Well let me clarify precisely what it is. Clearing is something that runs between the 1st July, up until early weeks of September; however, generally people tend to make use of it after their exam results have officially been published. It assists applicants with securing a place at a university firmly if they have not done so already, and this might be due to various reasons such as, deciding to go university last minute, having achieved better grades than predicted etc. They ring the institutions that they might want to attend, and ask if the specific higher education courses that they are interested are still available. This is just in a nutshell, further information can be found at either or

Speak to guys next week with my wonderful updates! x