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Rukon's Favourite! |
Anyhow moving on from the Eastenders Star... I’ll be starting my driving soon! Yay me! I’m just deciding between two driving school companies, in regards to who I might go for. I am well and truly excited to embark on this experience/journey :-D I dread to think that I might be an awful driver though, hopefully I am not *fingers crossed*
I’ve had one eventful day of the week; I went to Madame Tussauds on Tuesday. (I have pictures, I shall upload soon!) It was a great laugh; got to ‘greet’ and ‘meet’ many celebrities from all over the world and take pictures with them hehe! I went with some relatives of mine and my sister in law and my two baby gorgeous nephews. Had a pretty relaxed week, albeit slightly boring one. I only had work two days of the week. On the Thursday I was unable to attend because I was sick violently. (mm nice) Generally the week went pretty slow. Intense working from now on five days a week! The busy schedule is picking up slightly with the phone enquiries. 16th August is when the new arrivals shall come along and join us; I will have to learn so many new names again. I am going to miss the graduates who will be leaving in October- made some nice friends here in the enquiry unit. I will try to put some pictures up of my team members, and convince some of the managers that I work under:-D Then you blog readers will know what most of us look like and how we work, and our beautiful office. Time tends to fly during the clearing period, love it! Right now some of you might be wondering, ‘clearing? What on earth is that exactly?’ Well let me clarify precisely what it is. Clearing is something that runs between the 1st July, up until early weeks of September; however, generally people tend to make use of it after their exam results have officially been published. It assists applicants with securing a place at a university firmly if they have not done so already, and this might be due to various reasons such as, deciding to go university last minute, having achieved better grades than predicted etc. They ring the institutions that they might want to attend, and ask if the specific higher education courses that they are interested are still available. This is just in a nutshell, further information can be found at either www.ucas.ac.uk or www.gttr.ac.uk.
Speak to guys next week with my wonderful updates! x
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