
Monday, 25 October 2010

Sentence or two a day!

As I write to you ‘Blogees’ once a week, I feel as if I am forgetting to add some stuff here and there. I think from now on, as I start my week I will jot down a few sentences at the end of the day so I can recall correctly all the things I have done precisely!

Last week Wednesday I had Lecture and Seminars, did a presentation went really well. However, just before I did the presentation, I am extremely positive that I saw a flying creature, and by this I mean a Wasp/Hornet or a Bee. Now for those of you who may know me and my colleagues know this extremely well that I have a major phobia of them things! I can’t concentrate fully if they are around, get all panicky and normally have to get somebody to remove it! Hate summer because of these useless creatures, they serve no purpose. Ok I hear ya, Bee’s = Honey, but seriously surely these scientists are producing artificial honey, that’s good enough for me!

Now if you look at the picture, it really is not a pretty sight! It is evil!!! Evil I say!!!

Moving on swiftly :-D… On Thursday I was working at the enquiry unit, had a little meeting about MA Social Work, Yes that’s right people you read right, we now offer MA SOCIAL WORK! I’ll be a little tease and say if you want to know more about it, give us a ring on 0800 005 006 :-p It was slightly quiet at work at some points during the day, then it peaked a little every now and again. Generally it was a good day at work.

On Friday, I did some work; in fact I did some blogs (journal thingy ma jig) for my course, did a little extra reading too. I also got the chance to indulge in some 19th Century Novels. Weekend went fast, I shopped for my Diwali clothes, picked a nice plum colour to wear.

And today I went shopping, I bought a few things for my little nephews, it’s the little one’s birthday soon and whatever the little one gets the older one wants and vice versa, so it’s literally two of each. Hurts my bank balance but they are totally worth it!

I am very tired, I must stop blogging now, I shall write to you my dears next week.

Toodles x

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Reading Week, Further Education, and Finance (& the damn flu-jab)

I think the title of this blog explains everything! I cannot wait to relax a little, do some work… actually do A LOT of work! I need to consider different supervisors who will direct me with my dissertation. I am thinking about the subject area I want to concentrate on, it will most likely be either Psychology, Additional Special Needs in Education or Financial increase in Higher Education and Further Education. Once again, I had an interesting discussion in one of the same classes that I mentioned in my blog last week. This time it was about the University fees increasing and what ‘Class’ the government is focussed on. The unintelligent dim-witted proposal that they are insisting on putting forward, will seriously affect Middle class people because they wont be able to afford University Fees, the wealthy people will be able to have the funds for Further Education, and the Working class well their fees are likely to be funded. Now where is the equality in that? Coalition Government - Abysmal *Puts her nose up in the air* 

Winding back to the Finance discussion, the government insist that financial support is available, so money need not be a barrier. The assistance people would acquire depends on family situation and the type of course one is doing. For those who have experienced a conversation (and I use this word very loosely) with Student Finance of England, or their organisation skills (or the lack of it) is extremely appalling! A migraine that is most certainly not needed.

Interesting read:

I think the only decent chance perhaps to some, would be the fact that after leaving university, graduates will only begin repaying when they reach annual earnings of over £21,000 a year, up from £15,000 under the current system. A possibility a few may see this as slightly problematic, but once more that is a discussion for another time ;-)

Write to you lovely’s next week!

P.S. I had a flu jab on Friday, and my gosh did it become painful after a few hours! And the stupid nurse (wasn’t my regular) injected me almost near my shoulder, surely injections are not suppose to be that high up? Then come Saturday morning at around 5:45am my arm was paining like mad! Decided to go back to the Doctors, realised they do not open on the weekend, dosed my self with strong pain-killers and stayed in bed staring at the ceiling. Oh the joy (!) Still a little Sore! :’(

(The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the University of Greenwich - Ed.)

Monday, 11 October 2010

The Dark Ages, Freemasons, and Education

I was at University on last Wednesday, during one of my seminars for ‘Education and Social Theory’ we turned to an interesting discussion. It some how linked to Education and its history. We conversed and considered exactly what Freemasonry is, and what their ‘belief policy’ is. One particular comment I remember from another student, is ‘Freemasons worship the Devil!’ Hmm I thought to my self, from what I remember researching several years ago, they do not hold such belief. This fellow student, insisted that it dictated this that and the other. Again, I was thinking to myself “where does this research come from my love?” I remember reading books in the library purely out of boredom and it clearly stated that freemasonry does not dictate what it's members should believe in, only that they hold a belief in a Supreme Being, and once a member of the fraternity they must maintain that belief. Many people also say that Freemasonry is Satanic, makes it's members worship the devil etc, and others argue that it all comes from the misconception, misunderstandings, although admittedly it does not help that a lot of Freemasonry is detailed in Old English where words held different meanings. Who knows which research is right or wrong, I think it is an interesting topic to discuss, especially for me as I don’t actually know much about it. And it’s relation to education and sociology its further intriguing.

We also discussed the Middle ages, also known as the Dark Ages, in the course of this time, through following centuries, most of the population, being working people, were illiterate or had only a rudimentary ability to sign their names, make their "mark" to signify their acceptance, or read simple words. For the duration of this time many Lords i.e. wealthy landowners could read but the ‘Serfs’ which were the working class people, almost as a whole, had never been educated to read. This period in history was named the Dark Ages because of the loss of classical learning due to the many wars, bloodshed, and unrest. From this 16th Century is where the freemasons reach in with their elaborate symbolisms. As we deliberate further during class, it was brought to our attention that illiteracy did not make these Masons stupid or lesser operative Masons in the craft. They were simply working people, taking care of their families, who, by necessity, had to begin working at a very early age, usually from dawn until dusk, 6 days a week and did not have the time or the teachers to gain themselves of the ability to learn to read or of any higher education. Widely known that schools were for the wealthy only, thus the operative Freemason symbols were taught to these stonemasons as a part of their obligation for the betterment of their craft.

We somehow managed to link liberal democracy and modernity into this discussion, wow what a complicated degree! Might I add there is a student in my class who believes we are controlled by a ‘thing’ like an alien force, made me giggle :-D Now that is going into a scientific and a philosophical debate.

I will right to you next week, Good-bye (which by the way is a contraction of "God be with you”) simply interesting isn’t it? xxx

Monday, 4 October 2010

Uni has started

University has started for new students and continuing students too, I’m just easing myself into it at the moment trying to prepare for the hectic year. This year I’ll be in from 9-6 on a Wednesday and the other days I’m expected to be in the lab working hard or in the library! Soo unlike me but I’ve already started to change my lazy ways. I have actually placed myself in the computer labs, getting a head start on the new course material presented to us on last Wednesday. I decided it is important to take advantage of the spare time that I have and take extra books out from the library and renew them as I go along if they’re of any interest or use to me. I’ve also got an enquiry project to look at, which will be our dissertation, I’ve had a brief look at it and it seems slightly tedious at the moment due to the lack of information specified to us however, I really hope I enjoy writing it and researching about it otherwise I won’t do too well on it.

Online registration has been completed by most students now, however there are a few who are struggling, if you are one of those then give us a call on 0800 005 006. We will be happy to be of assistance. :-D

I had driving on, erm I’m not sure on what day but I did have driving. It went well, I’m definitely improving now as I go along which is a good sign and my instructor is delighted with my driving skills so far so yay me!

It was my mum’s birthday yesterday, so Happy Birthday to her! Had a Birthday dinner for her on Saturday instead as I had my cousin sister coming round. It was a really nice evening, great food, great company, DELICIOUS CAKE! Mm!

I also went ice skating yesterday evening, which was extremelyyyyyyyyyyy fun! A friend of mine, let’s call her ‘Sue’ toppled over many times and could not get up, very entertaining to watch. Oh and then we ended this day with a meal at the Slug and Lettuce. Average food!

See you all next week, ciao for now! xxx