I think the title of this blog explains everything! I cannot wait to relax a little, do some work… actually do A LOT of work! I need to consider different supervisors who will direct me with my dissertation. I am thinking about the subject area I want to concentrate on, it will most likely be either Psychology, Additional Special Needs in Education or Financial increase in Higher Education and Further Education. Once again, I had an interesting discussion in one of the same classes that I mentioned in my blog last week. This time it was about the University fees increasing and what ‘Class’ the government is focussed on. The unintelligent dim-witted proposal that they are insisting on putting forward, will seriously affect Middle class people because they wont be able to afford University Fees, the wealthy people will be able to have the funds for Further Education, and the Working class well their fees are likely to be funded. Now where is the equality in that? Coalition Government - Abysmal *Puts her nose up in the air*
Winding back to the Finance discussion, the government insist that financial support is available, so money need not be a barrier. The assistance people would acquire depends on family situation and the type of course one is doing. For those who have experienced a conversation (and I use this word very loosely) with Student Finance of England, or their organisation skills (or the lack of it) is extremely appalling! A migraine that is most certainly not needed.
Interesting read:
I think the only decent chance perhaps to some, would be the fact that after leaving university, graduates will only begin repaying when they reach annual earnings of over £21,000 a year, up from £15,000 under the current system. A possibility a few may see this as slightly problematic, but once more that is a discussion for another time ;-)
Write to you lovely’s next week!
P.S. I had a flu jab on Friday, and my gosh did it become painful after a few hours! And the stupid nurse (wasn’t my regular) injected me almost near my shoulder, surely injections are not suppose to be that high up? Then come Saturday morning at around 5:45am my arm was paining like mad! Decided to go back to the Doctors, realised they do not open on the weekend, dosed my self with strong pain-killers and stayed in bed staring at the ceiling. Oh the joy (!) Still a little Sore! :’(
(The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the University of Greenwich - Ed.)
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