My updates for this week are as follows:
Monday, I went Uni to do some work, looked at some journals that I might use for my essay and dissertation. I also went shopping and ate at Pizza Hut, mmm was absolutely lovely! Then on Tuesday I was at work, it was an enjoyable day, took calls as usual from friendly voices, which I always love! Especially in the morning, nice words make your day, well for me they do! I would like to add that it is important for potential applicants to know that we are running some Masters programmes in January, we tend not to do many undergraduate programmes during this intake, however if you are unsure or would like more information, please do not hesitate to give us a call, we could possibly offer you something different, at another given time :-D
On Wednesday I was back at Uni, although I was on reading week, I still needed to come into do some work, I also picked up my NUS card, student discount is THE best! In addition, for all you lovely people who love shopping, and I mean shopping for clothes… then ASOS have a good sale, and are currently promoting 20% off for students! Woo! Go on, have a little splash! I was looking forward to Thursday, as it was my little nephews’ birthday. Again, we had pizza for dinner at Papa Johns as their pizzas are exceptionally tasty! Along with the cake! It was a fresh cream vanilla sponge cake. My nephew actually hates cake, he is frightened of it to be precise, and the only part he well and truly enjoys is blowing out the candle. He loves the colour orange, so the least we could do was to add orange writing to the cake.
Another birthday celebration took place on Friday and it was for Uzma! She is one of the full-time staff working here for the Enquiry Unit. About seven of us had dinner at the o2 Arena, and I got her a cake, which she knew nothing about. A funny occurrence took place on that Friday evening, the waitress brought out the wrong cake, a tiny chocolate one; they even played music. I thought nooooo that is NOT the cake, so we all gave our fibs to Uzma, covering up that we are not having this dinner for her birthday, and we have not ordered her a cake whatsoever! Finally, when the chosen cake did come out, Uzma went AWOL haha! Oh lovely evening it was! A picture of her cake (which I chose ;-)) Once more, I should express that the cake was YUMMYLICIOUS!
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