
Friday, 23 July 2010

Choices, Choices, Next Year's Choices!

Hiii guys! Another week, another blog :-D Right what have I been up to this week? I went to an annual function on Saturday which was nice and very different to what we have had in the previous years. Oh and Friday, I watched INCEPTION! Not as great as many people are making it out to be. The ending was rather predictable but overall great acting and I would give it about 7 out of 10. On Sunday I relaxed and looked into my third year course details. I have picked which options I want to do, but I think it still needs to be filled on officially when it comes to registration week in the beginning week of September. One of the modules that I did this year was Early Years, I really enjoyed it; it's quite insightful, however the work load was too much for me. Had two essays to do, which was fine and I really enjoyed the observation portfolio although it was a killer. However, the reading logs which were only worth 10% were a killer! Nevertheless I managed to get a 62 overall for this particular module, but I do not plan on doing this module for my third year; its toooo much! She’s asking us to do a 3500 word essay, along with another 5000 word essay, and a separate dissertation from the main one, which again is a 5000 word essay and then reading logs. NO WAY! I will carry on with Special needs education module though, which was extremely interesting and it might be a field that I would consider going into in the future, especially in regards to speech and language therapy as many children are in need of speech and language therapists; there's major shortages in schools.

Enough of that; what else have I been up to? I have been working for the university all week, and having a laugh. It hasn’t been that busy. I got the highest calls in my team on Wednesday wooo! I also danced for 2 and half hours with my baby nephews, was such a laugh! Ended up going to sleep at 23:30, was completely shattered the next day but well worth it!

Anyways, see you kids next week!

P.S. Rukon, you are SUCH drama queen! :-p

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